WHM showing disk usage 0 for all users then, follow this steps below:
1. From VPS run,
# /scripts/fixquotas
If you are getting the following errors, then proceed with this
# /scripts/fixquotas
Installing Default Quota Databases......Done
Quota Mode: Linux
journaled quota support: not available with vzaquota (disabled)
checking out /backup
checking out /backup
Quotas have been enabled, however they may not be up to date as quotacheck has been skipped.
Resetting quota for user1 to 2048 M
No filesystems with quota detected.
Resetting quota for user2 to 2048 M
No filesystems with quota detected.
2. Then, run
# quotacheck -vagum
Then, you will get the following error:
# quotacheck -vagum
quotacheck: Cannot find filesystem to check or filesystem not mounted with quota option.
Now, you can follow the steps given below:
Let your OpenVZ CTID (container ID) be 101.
From main node, open the VZ configuration file
# vi /etc/vz/vz.conf
The file should contains the following parameters to make sure that quota has been enabled in Hardware node:
## Disk quota parameters
Then, edit the configuration file for the container 101 from main node:
# vi /etc/vz/conf/101.conf
and add the following line
Then, restart the VPS
# vzctl restart 101
That’s it!
After this, if you are facing facing problem with “quota”, that is quota for all users showing unlimited then run
# /scripts/fixquotas
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