4 Tips To Use Instagram Stories for Your Business and Increase Audience

Instagram has become a very big part of our daily lives, we spend a couple of hours every single day scrolling on our devices and get some entertaining or completely useless information from it. But it doesn’t stop us from investing our time and energy in it.

Instagram has become a platform that opens many doors to the world of being a successful content creator or a businessman. The most beneficial feature that Instagram has had for a couple of years already is Instagram Stories. The thing is that many people use Instagram stories to promote their online shops or businesses, so if you don’t use Instagram stories to make your sales go bigger make sure to keep on reading and give this new opportunity a chance.

How do Instagram stories help to reach more people?

How do Instagram stories reach more people? You may ask. You can check how well your stories are doing and how many people are interested in your page. In general, you can say Instagram has amazing features for you. There is an Instagram story analytics available on your account that shows you how many people have viewed your story, how many people have clicked on your story, or how many people have skipped your story. This amazing attribute allows you to realize what needs to be changed to get more successful and increase the audience.

4 biggest tips to increase your audience and business using Instagram stories.

Creating an audience for a newly created account can be a challenging thing to do, but all it takes is some time and effort. Of course, there are some easier ways of purchasing different packages where you can get an Instagram likes trial, but it’s optional and up to you. If you want to test your limits and try to reach your goals by yourself here are some useful tips and tricks you need to take into consideration.

  • Use poll stickers

First of all, make sure your Instagram is updated and has all the new features added that are coming out pretty often. Based on what products or services you are selling you can add poll stickers to your stories, which allow your followers to choose their personal favorites from two or more things. This tip helps you understand what your audience wants and appreciate their thoughts. This is one of the most used traits in business stories. 

  • Use swipe-up links

Swipe-up is one of the most convenient and used features Instagram has ever created. You can use this attribute only after you have reached 10k followers which is not hard for consistent and dedicated business accounts. With a swipe-up attribute, you can add your website or any other social network links to your stories. This helps people to be redirected to the website in seconds and get easier access to your products or services.

  • Be consistent

Since Instagram stories disappear in 24 hours it’s hard to keep an audience updated and entertained all the time. It’s very important to remember which stories got the most views and feedback from your followers and keep on producing more of those.

Keep in mind that you have to post new informational and promotional stories every day to grow the number of your audience and interact with them more. You can post-verbal or non-verbal posts and videos to give out more details.  A newly added feature called Instagram highlights allows you to keep your stories on your feed visible for your viewers permanently.

  • Use quiz stickers several times a day

Instagram quizzes are little question bars that allow your followers to answer your questions, suggest new things, or simply tell you anything they want to. It’s an amazing opportunity to communicate with your audience through Instagram Stories.

Quiz stickers also make the interactive process between you and your followers more fun and different, it makes your Instagram stories look more professional and lets people know what kind of account they are following. Make sure to ask questions that are related to your brand, your products or helps people to get more knowledge regarding your business.


Instagram Stories are an amazing way to get to know more people and collaborate with other businesses or content creators, it can help you boost your income and sales and gain more recognition from all around the world. To expand your business and grow your audience should take Instagram seriously.

It’s a fun and simple platform that allows you to enjoy your free time and communicate with people every single day, but it’s also a huge industry that kickstarted many famous people’s careers. There’s no question that possibilities are endless in an era of social media, but unfortunately, it doesn’t mean that everyone is going to get big or successful. The only way is to give yourself a chance. If you never try you will never know.

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Maria Jones

Maria Jones is blogger and content writer who write many articles on SEO, Business, Web Design and Technology. She enjoys reading new thing on internet. She spends lot of time on social media.

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