How to install cPremote painlessly?

How to install cPremote backup plugin in a cPanel server?

How to install cPremote? cPremote is a cPanel backup plugin for managing backups. It’s a paid and licensed plugin. It supports incremental, compressed and uncompressed backups with seven days retention.

cPremote has a WHM interface which helps server admins as well as cPanel end users to manage their backups. Hence cPremote management is quite easy. It has restore feature too.

cPremote restore feature includes the restore of full backups, home directories, email accounts, domains, subdomains, MySQL databases, files and folders etc.

It basically uses rsync command to sync the backups to its destination. Hence this won’t consume much CPU while doing backups.

Installation Requirements

  1. Operating system – CentOS 6/7.
  2. Latest cPanel version – 11.60 or its higher versions

How to install cPremote? Installation steps

Before proceeding with the installation, we need to license the IP. Log into your cPremote provider portal and add license for it.
Once your IP is licensed, you’re good to proceed with its installation. Yeah, let’s start!

Step 1. Downloading the cPremote package

Log into syslint portal panel and download the cPremote plugin. You can download the plugin from the URL

How to install cPremote?
How to install cPremote?

As of writing, the latest version of cPremote is Cpremote V 10.1(tar.gz). Download it to your local machine and then upload it your server.

Assuming that you’ve uploaded the package to /usr/local/src of the server.

Step 2. Untar the package

# cd /usr/local/src
# tar -xzf cpremote-10.0.tar.gz

Step 3. Installing the package

Before installing the package make sure you have enabled ioncube loader as cPanel PHP loader in WHM >> Tweak settings.

How to install cPremote?
How to install cPremote?

Else your installation will be failed.

How to install cPremote?
How to install cPremote?

Once ioncube is set as cPanel PHP loader, you can proceed with the following steps:

# cd cpremote-10.0
# ./ install

If your installation is successful, you’ll get a similar output as below:

How to install cPremote?
How to install cPremote?

Now, we can check the web interface of cPremote in WHM.

Log into WHM. Navigate to cPremote section to manage your cPremote – backup plugin.

How to install cPremote?
How to install cPremote?


How to schedule automatic backup on server with Plesk control panel?

There is an option in Plesk control panel to take the full back of the server. Mainly three backup period options are available in the Plesk panel daily, weekly and monthly.

You can simply schedule the backup by following steps..

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Heba Habeeb

Working as a Linux Server Admin, Infopark, Cochin, Kerala.

3 thoughts on “How to install cPremote painlessly?

  1. Since I bought Cpremote I had problems. Always was a headache. They removed the function to restore backup of terminated accounts, and yet without warning in advance. I lose many clients, because I said to they that I had the backup, but cpremote stopped to maintain the backups of terminated accounts. I asked my money back e And they did not give me back

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