Enabling Mbstring extension on a cPanel server – EasyApache

Installation on EasyApache 4

You can not execute EasyApache script via command line in EasyApache 4. However, you can manage it simply from the WHM panel. cPanel only support EasyApache 4 on systems that run CentOS 6 or 7, CloudLinux 6 or 7, or Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6 or 7, and run cPanel & WHM version 11.52 or higher.

EasyApache 4 offers the following improvements over EasyApache 3:

  • Binary packages
  • Software collections
  • Path reorganization
  • MultiPHP support
  • Post-update actions

Please do the following steps to enable Mbstring via EasyApache 4.

Step 1 : Log into WHM as root user.

Step 2 : Click on “EasyApache 4” under Software tab.

Step 3 : Click on “Customize” button.

Step 4 : Turn on Mbstring for preferred PHP versions.

Step 5 : Scroll down and click on “Next” button.

Step 6 : Scroll down and click on “Provision” button.

That’s it!!

Let me know if you’ve any questions on this topic.

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Arunlal A

Senior System Developer at Zeta. Linux lover. Traveller. Let's connect! Whether you're a seasoned DevOps pro or just starting your journey, I'm always eager to engage with like-minded individuals. Follow my blog for regular updates, connect on social media, and let's embark on this DevOps adventure together! Happy coding and deploying!

10 thoughts on “Enabling Mbstring extension on a cPanel server – EasyApache

      1. Dear Friend. My server was also Centos but it worked. Please check that you are finishing it with clicking on provision button at last page at the bottom

  1. Dear Arunlal Ashok, My confusion is this:
    On my local machine (php 5.5.12, apache 2.4.9) using WAMP, I install the php_mbstring extension and enable it by uncommenting its entry in php.ini. (this resolves a problem that arises when installing drupal 8)

    On CentOS using cpanel, when I install the mbstring extension, I still get the error. I’m wondering if wondering if I should do the same to some php.ini file on the server. Does easyapache install and enable it automatically, or one has to uncomment an entry?

    1. Hi Kobena,

      On a CentOS 6 cPanel server, you can enable this from the EA itself. Please check the server has CloudLinux, if so you need to remove the entry from php.ini and need to enable it from cPanel → PHP selector.

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