how to prevent .htaccess file modification while running easyapache ?

Most of the time, the recompilation process of Apache/php with Easyapache will be effected the users’ .htaccess file under the WHM/cPanel server. After the Easyapache, we might see some entries like the one pasted below in .htacces file.

AddHandler application/x-httpd-php5 .php .html .htm 

We can prevent the .htaccess file modification from the WHM tweak settings itself.

In WHM-> Server Configuration -> Tweak Settings -> System
Depth to recurse for .htaccess checks = 0

See the attached screenshot:

That’s it… 🙂

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Arunlal A

Senior System Developer at Zeta. Linux lover. Traveller. Let's connect! Whether you're a seasoned DevOps pro or just starting your journey, I'm always eager to engage with like-minded individuals. Follow my blog for regular updates, connect on social media, and let's embark on this DevOps adventure together! Happy coding and deploying!

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