We all prefer shell, always! Is it possible to check the license details from CLI?
We know how to check the license details from the cPanel’s license verify URL. We have already an article on how to do so.
In this article, I focus on the steps to identify the license details from the command line. You can check all details like in the web browser.
Before starting, please read this article:
How to check cpanel license details?
WHM/cPanel is one of the most commonly using web-hosting control panel. It’s a paid one. The installation of cPanel in a server is quite simple. After installing cPanel, you’ll only get a 15 days trial version of it. You need to purchase license for that particular server IP address to continue the service. Read more…
How to check license details from command line?
To know whether a cPanel server is licensed or not, we can execute the following commands from the server’s command line interface:
# curl -L http://cpanel.net/showip.cgi Or # lynx -dump http://cpanel.net/showip.cgi
This should return the main IP address of the server. To check license details please use the following command:
lynx -dump http://verify.cpanel.net/index.cgi
echo ip="IP.Address"|lynx -dump http://verify.cpanel.net/index.cgi -post_data
If the IP address is not licensed, you will get an output with this line:
Results: Not licensed
If it’s licensed, you can see all details from there. A sample output is pasted below:
Our license verification tool will display a server's cPanel & WHM license history and validity. ____________________ Verify License __________________________________________________________________ License History for IP.Address cPanel/WHM # IP Package Partner NOC Activity Product Status Updates Expiration
1 IP.Address BUYCPANEL-EXTERNAL-VPS [1][cpanel_distributor.png] [2]Control Panel Solutions, Inc. active on 2017-02-17 12:03:56 cPanel/WHM active N/A 2 IP.Address BUYCPANEL-EXTERNAL-VPS [3][cpanel_distributor.png] [4]Control Panel Solutions, Inc. active on 2016-09-16 03:26:53 cPanel/WHM expired on 2017-02-15 11:33:46 N/A 3 IP.Address BUYCPANEL-EXTERNAL-VPS [5][cpanel_distributor.png] [6]Control Panel Solutions, Inc. active on 2016-08-15 08:39:15 cPanel/WHM expired on 2016-09-15 07:57:35 N/A 4 IP.Address BUYCPANEL-EXTERNAL-VPS [7][cpanel_distributor.png] [8]Control Panel Solutions, Inc. active on 2016-07-14 01:10:34 cPanel/WHM expired on 2016-08-15 08:09:06 N/A 5 IP.Address 15-DAY-TEST [9][cpanel_direct.png] [10]cPanel Inc. active on 2016-06-27 15:16:04 cPanel/WHM expired on 2016-07-13 06:00:01 N/A
Here, IP.Address indicates the IP address of server. By using this method, you can check the cPanel license details from any servers which has lynx installed.
Read : cPanel installation.
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how to bypass cpanel license verficiton?